We started with a prayer group meeting in Pastor John Flowers' home in the summer of 1990. Our first public worship service was in September of 1990. We started out with a very small group. Some months our average worship attendance was 15 or less! The Lord has blessed, and we have seen continued steady growth. We formally organized and constituted as a church in December, 1998.
In 1999, we signed a lease and moved into our “Storefront” location on Sheyenne Street. It was a step of faith but the Lord blessed and we continued to grow in membership and faithfulness. While in the storefront, we established regular Wednesday Evening Bible Study and prayer services. During this time, we prayed constantly and looked around for a more permanent meeting place.
In the fall of 2003, God opened the door for us to purchase our current facility at 1245 8th St W, West Fargo. It was another miracle of God’s provision, and we continue to grow in maturity and numbers. In 2008, all support from our denomination ended, and we became a self supporting congregation. We have seen many lives touched and changed by the love of Jesus. We are learning and growing together day by day trusting God to lead us in to a future. Living Hope is an intentional church plant (not a split from another church!) Our “mother” church is Journey Church (formerly Temple Baptist) in north Fargo. We maintain a very warm working relationship with Journey and other sister churches in the area.
In 2018 we called Tanner Olson to join the church as a Pastoral Apprentice and later as an Associate Pastor to begin the transition process of becoming the next pastor of Living Hope after Pastor John retired (fall of 2023). This 5 year process was an intentional part of ensuring that the work of the church would continue unhindered by the usual abrupt change in leadership that marks many pastoral changes.
In 2020, by the grace of God and the generosity of his people, the church mortgage was paid off the church became debt free. Being debt free allowed us to renovate and update the church building and expand the sanctuary in 2022.